The Bondage Of Self,

In this moment I am free from the bondage of self, free from my old ideas and my old opinions and fears. In this moment, the one that I am in right now I have perfect trust that the universe is with me and is providing me with everything that I need to be in Joy. Until I surrender to this moment being exactly where I am and perfect in every way, I waste my true creative powers on useless attempts to please self and to be more comfortable in the material world. Surrendering to this moment is the most natural thing I can do, and requires very little effort because it is just surrendering to what IS. My Higher Power and I are already one and it is only the belief in two powers that keeps me separate right now. I will not deny myself the sweetness of this moment. I go deeply into the relationship with my Higher Power right now by rightly relating myself to IT. "I pray that I might have the consciousness of Your presence right now. Help me to be present to this moment right now. Help me to join with you right now to be the person that you would have me be on this earth ride. Thank you for your love and protection.” Amen


Higher Power is the Principle and I am It's agent.


Love My Life